twinned with trumpton


A drizzly start; a school run and then out, dear reader onto the bike for a fun filled day about town. 

To Leith! 5 in fairly quick order, but on a tight schedule. She threw in a doctor appointment before the school pick up, so my window shrank, as well as the disappearing lunch break. Tch.

And so a trek to Craigmillar enlivened by a Mercedes Sprinter pulling across Marionville Crescent as I swept around a corner at full tilt. It's been a while since I locked the bike up.... it barely registered that he'd nearly hospitalised me.... Adrenalin surging I powered up Willowbrae Road for a couple in that neck of the woods; and stopped at Lidl for liquid an a blip or 17. No blue doors but lines and shapes aplenty. And cheap olive oil too. Cos I'm worth it.

And the long grind into the wind to Wester Hailes. A brief tour de Clovenstone and then trying to outstrip the oncoming rain I bolted for home (Not quite Usain Bolt, but - you know) The stop at Stenhouse meant I got the soaking I so wanted to avoid, but in terms of time, there was nowt to do but get on with it.

To school, to doc, to home. Then shopping. In sunshine. Grrrrr... 

I dropped my stuff and was back out to meet Baz for Arthur's Seat. Except not. He had his sister's dug and it yelped manically on the bus so he got off. So I went and met him - eventually - and we walked in a non direct route back to his before I soldiered on into the wind along Seafield. And lasagne.  

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