How to half term #2

- Another delicious lie-in, watching the end of Episode 1 of The Handmaid's Tale and starting my new library book.

- Pottering around followed by avocado and egg on toast for lunch.

- A quick visit to the Curtis household to pick up some free cinema tickets, generously donated by the new parents who sadly (not for us) seem a little too busy for cinema trips right now.

- A quick food shop, buying half term luxuries like gin and fresh king prawns.

- A brilliant movie which far outdid all of my expectations. If you fancy a couple of hours of swords and beards with occasional comedy and a David Beckham cameo, go and see King Arthur: the Legend of the Sword.

- Chilli, garlic and king prawn linguine.

- A trail run.

- The BBC Debate and cheering on some brilliant answers from the Greens, the Reds and the Yellows. Let's have a brown coalition. 


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