Oh my starling

This was going to be a picture naming and shaming the jackdaws who have polished off all the woodpecker's peanuts today. However, I failed to get a decent shot of them and didn't fancy refilling the feeder just for them (much as I like jackdaws, having been raised with them*), and then these starlings dropped in and made me laugh. It was nice to see them as they haven't been around much since I had them evicted from our soffits earlier this year. They are clever birds, starlings, and make good pets apparently. One famous owner was Mozart who bought one from a shop after hearing it sing a phrase from something he'd written a few weeks earlier but not performed in public. Three years later, when it sadly passed away, Wolfgang gave his starling an elaborate funeral (which I don't recall being featured in Amadeus the film).

A busy day today, starting with a swim and a dog walk, followed by a trip to Chichester with Son1 to collect a computer desk from the charity shop, which I had seen yesterday. A bargain at £10 and now safely installed in his room.

Then it was over to Farnham to have lunch in the Wheatsheaf with Gary who regaled me with tales of his exploits on his and Roxanne's recent trip to Japan and Australia. I can't imagine having a five-week holiday but maybe one day I'll find out what it's like!

*well, we (Dad) hand reared a couple of rescued ones, both going by the name of Jack, as I recall

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