Blip saviour

So, there I was on my second visit wondering why I should give a monkey's whether Avalanche Records lived or died. Apart from providing a place to wander to on a Thursday lunchtime I couldn't really see what it was adding to the music buying. The XX was playing, which meant that I wasn't going to be treated like the dad in High Fidelity if I bought it (which I did) but checking on iTunes I could see that that unnecessary privilege was going to cost me an extra two quid. And that reminded me that I could click a button and buy it right there in the shop and listen to it straight away and also have it download at home automatically (without having a bit of plastic that I'd then have to store). So what exactly does Avalanche do?

I also went into Red Dog Music. That was a dangerous move. There's synthesisers, samplers and drum machines in there that are well within the bounds of impulse.

Wild night and I'm comfy on the sofa with an Arran blonde. M doesn't seem to mind. She's too busy marvelling at being able to focus on her eyePad with her new specs.

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