a new year!

By Thesalh70

A postbox has been painted gold to celebrate the Paralympic gold medal won by Nottinghamshire athlete Richard Whitehead on Saturday.

The 36-year-old, who runs on blades, won the title in the 200m T42 final, breaking his own world record.

The postbox was painted in his home village of Lowdham.

a stunning mackerel sky this morning. my bathroom lit up pink by the morning sky as i wandered in there at 6.15am. downstairs, kettle on and then enjoyed the mackerel skyline rolling away to reveal..cloud! v cool this morning, and i knew i'd regret not taking a coat or cardigan to work.

a good morning at work. this week seems to have gone quickly and can't believe we're already at Thursday! wandered out at lunch across the square, and yes, i regretted not having a coat or a cardy! very cool. testing out my pedometer as we have a 10,000 steps a day challenge starting from 1st october for work, and for charity! i did approx 5k yesterday and didn't really go anywhere!

a good afternoon too at work. finished at 5.30pm and then set off on my gold post box mission! decided to track down the one dedicated to Richard Whitehead, in Lowdham. v pleased to find it, and played around with my picture in photoshop to emphasize the gold and the union jacks displayed for him!

home and called at B&Q to buy a bucket, to do my Elderberry wine in! am still waiting now for the temp to drop to 21c, so i can add my yeast, citric acid etc!

also awaiting me at home was my new macro len delivered today! very exciting, and whilst tea was cooking, i took at few close ups in the garden....love it.

off now to sort the eldervino. can't believe it's friday already tomorrow, the weekend, bring it on!

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