A Plumbers Wife!

By hebsjournal

I have a chicken

Where my heart should be. That is the diagnosis of Doctors J and D. They have no suggestions about how to solve the problem. Story of my life!

After deciding that I wanted to clean the bathroom and do some laundry first thing, I eventually left around 11.30. Got here around 4.30, with one stop, so pretty good going. Arrived just as Faye was returning home with the boys.

We've already had hot tub swimming and now the boys are in bed, the chiminea has been lit and the grown ups (and me) are going to have some wine.

As always, it's odd not being at home as I miss my two lunatics, but this is pretty much my second home (with the added bonus of not having the smell of teenage boy bedroom lingering everywhere), so it's not a problem at all.

Hopefully good weather will prevail and we can get out and about tomorrow.

Edit - apparently this entry marks my 9 years on blip. Who knew?!

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