8 am and some plank has set fire to the rubbish bin!

The morning walk had some nice lighting (and warmth) and I had an extension tube with me. Which meant I was able to get one or two  close ups using the 'wrong' camera/lens which I was reasonably happy with like the fly on the thistle -- but that is nothing to the fence staple.

It was a lovely afternoon so I took the infrared camera out and had a slow wander round the wood and even encouraged PD to play about in the stream for a which to help cool down.
There was hardly a cloud in the sky  and some nice dappled light and contrasts.

In the evening SWMBO and I went out to see Anastacia.
An excellent concert where it was good to see everyone on stage really enjoying themselves and interacting so freely with the audience. Taking pictures (on phones - no flash) was actively encouraged and she also came down into the audience where she spent some time with a wee girl of about 8 or 9.

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