My Restless Lens

By terri365

1379 - When life...

...treats you like shit one day, then makes you jump for joy the next, it can be overwhelming and send your head into a spin!!!

I'll not dwell on yesterday's crap day but today, I was offered my old job back...!  Totally unexpected!  And now I am in a dilemma...  A good dilemma to be in for sure but my old job can only guarantee 18-24 months.  I would need to know the plan for my current job as I have been twiddling my thumbs a little for the last 2 weeks...  And I haven't been entirely happy in it.  My friend gave me a good line to use when I speak to my current boss tomorrow!  I have nothing to lose by speaking my mind as I would have another job to fall back on!  Exciting times and whatever decision I make, I promise I will not moan!!!!

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