Abstract Sculpture

This is actually a man doing a head stand sort of, hands in front, feet tucked in behind.  Unfortunately I can't remember the name of it.  

Today I met up with an old friend from when we first moved here 27 years ago.  Sheryl was always an outdoors person, she had chickens and a horse, dogs, cats and 3 little girls.  In the early days we did a lot of hiking together with the children.  Logan was most often in a backpack on my back.  We attended a bee keeping class together and for a little while kept bees helping each other out.  Her older two girls were 4 and 3 years older than Sumner and as their interests changed, we lost touch for many years.  Sheryl works in the hardware store in Goffstown and we saw each other occasionally over the years.  Anyway, we reconnected this spring and decided we both need to get out and exercise more so we're going to try to get out for a hike at least once a week.  

Today's walk/hike was to the Andres Institute of Art - miles of trails, a studio and lots of these natural stone sculptures.  There must have been close to 100 - the highest number we saw was #85 but we didn't come close to seeing them all.  Tucked into the woods just off the trails.  Some steep uphills and then steep downhills, but we caught up, chatting the whole way and enjoying each piece we came into contact with. Myles didn't enjoy the art, but he did love the walk.  Passed out now and practically snoring.

In extras there is a view from the top of the lowest trail and another sculpture or two.

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