What I've Done

By JohnGravett

Grasmere in the rain

planned a visit to Grasmere and Loughrigg tarn today, but within 10 minutes of getting out of the car at Grasmere, the heavens opened - and it really set in. The great advantage of photographing Grasmere from Penny Rock wood is the shelter you get from being in the woodland. The other advantage is the view across Grasmere and the way the island fits so well against the background.

Grasmere is one of my favourite locations on wet days, I simply love the recession you get from the rain, and the way the weather separates the island from the background. On a clear day, they merge together and both appear in the same plane.

We didn't reach Loughrigg, preferring to go for the shelter of Rydal hall grounds and, of course, their excellent tea room.

A happy birthday to Gavin, Geekmeek's husband, who isn't blipping yet, but bravely stuck at the photography thing all day!

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