Electric Dreams

By caramac


Before the summer Joe was picked to be on the Cbeebies programme Nina and the Neurons. They had already had a days location filming at the airport, which I couldn't go to.
So today was the studio filming at the BBC in Glasgow... EXCITED!!
My nerves were shredded but also EXCITING!! We had a dressing room and hung out in the green room. Then we were taken down to the studio to meet NINA.. she's famous...EXCITED! (I do appreciate only famous amongst small children but still) The parents got to sit behind the scenes and watch the action on a tv through our fingers while the kids did their stuff.... and they were brilliant...cos it is hard to do tv stuff... I can vouch for that now.
They said their lines, followed all the instructions, smiled, faced the right way, smiled, looked at Nina, rolled on the floor, smiled, waved, said more lines... they did so well, I was fair proud.
Joe said tonight that he wasn't going to do any more telly because it was 'embarrassing'. I am glad really as, even though it was all exciting and cool, I don't think my poor nerves could take it.

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