
By BearRabbitFrog

Outside: Fourth Street

fatmumslim created a photo challenge for the month of August. I'm late to the party, but intrigued by the challenge Today's my first capture. The challenge? Outside. The subject? The Westward View of Fourth at Sunset.


During my fifteen years in Mac, I've lived in six homes. An apartment. A house. A duplex. A cottage. A new two story. And now, an old, old Craftsman.

As a walker, a runner, a stroller pusher, a bike rider, and a dog owner, I've launched many an outing from each of their doorways. Resultantly, almost every street holds a memory, logs a place on my timeline, jostles a way of thinking back to mind for contrast against my current view. For instance, the neighborhood I walked most days while pregnant holds sense memories aplenty. Strolling there now, I'm almost transported across these twelve years to what it was like to be me then - what it was like to return to that house, with that belly, with that dog, with that super-short haircut, and only a fraction of the perspective I've since gained...earned.

And so it is here on Fourth Street.

On this East side of town, it's harder to bask in the glow of day's close, except for this time of year when the sunset and I can stand on the same street. It was to this street I ran, just to happen (hopefully) upon my then-crush in the yard, ripe for conversation. It's at this spot we kissed for the first time on Halloween, long after the trick or treaters were home asleep. It was to this location I tromped three miles through the snows of Arctic Blast to care for his (then officially my boyfriend) home over the holidays. And, it was this threshold we returned to from our cross country nuptial journey as Mr. And Mrs.

Much like the softness of September evenings, there's a smooth magic of place that lives simultaneously in the location and the heart of the passerby.

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