A rubbish little sleep where I could not relax so got up at normal time so I could chat with Harry and let him know how his Grandad is doing.
Keith came down and we went to visit him. He did not look too bad when we arrived and was attempting to eat some fish and chips, but soon grew tired and pale. We left as they were going to do some physio on him to help clear his chest. We went on to see Mum in the care home, but we did not tell her about George as she doesn't remember him.  We left after an hour or so, and went back to Dad's. I had a bit of a tidy and sorted the washing I had done.
Then Keith left for London and I called to see Lin to give her the updates. Home and Harry seems to have developed a cold as well as hayfever.
Lazy pasta and salad for dinner, and to bed in good time.

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