Carol's ramblings

By Lucari

Poole Lace Day

Myself and a couple of friends got up early today and trundled down to Poole to attend their lace day. This is the first time we have attended this lace day. Usual routine, morning shopping, doing lace, admiring pieces of lace, then lunch followed by speaker, raffle then home.
Shopping: purchased some bobbins (rude not to), a couple of Lace Guild booklets;
Lace: didn't take my lace (waiting for my teacher to help) but took another craft;
Other lace: this lace group have a competition, the voting was on a) complexity of techniques used; and b) the lace that you would like to take home. [blip is of the competition submissions].
Speaker: unfortunately the planned speaker had taken sick and another speaker organised at the last minute. Interesting points of the talk, with slides to show further information (the talk was on Dorset Lace, its history, manufacture and use).
Raffle: the group presented to a local charity a substantial cheque, the raffle proceeds had been the a part of this donation. My friend was the only one of us that won a prize (good selection of prizes).

Long day, but a lovely day with friends, lots of laughs.

[Thoughts are with those family/friends who have lost loved ones in the incidents in the uk :(. ]


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