Aperture on Life

By SheenaghMclaren


Well you don't expect to drive through Scotland without encountering a weather front!

Before travelling through to Argyll, Fiona suggested a visit to the Leng Memorial chapel in Leuchars The French inspired Gothic Chapel, was built in memory of Lady Mary Leng in 1895, closely resembling a tiny version of 'La Sainte Chappelle' in Paris. Theft of copper from the roof has led to it's leaking, leaving green staining on the limestone walls inside. The cream colouring of the stone gives a wonderful natural light in the little chapel. Although it is visible from miles around, it's only open one day a year. Today was the day.

The dogs were walked in brilliant sunshine on St. Andrews beach. It was surprisingly warm and there were small children bathing in the sea. I wouldn't have thrown away the chance either, as a child, but my Scottish hardiness has long since disappeared! The beach, which runs along side the Old Course, is always full of walkers, dogs, kite flyers and windsurfers together with families complete with their gazebos and barbecues.

A quick lunch and I hit the road over to Argyll under clear skies. This was the sight that I had somewhere between Loch Earn and Tyndrum. I had of course packed the coats and wellies and as usual, despite the view, I had little reason to use them over the whole week. By the time I reached Crinan Ferry the front had passed without a drop of rain falling on me.

I found Diana and Dad and an excited Tarka the Labrador waiting for me. Diana is looking well and Dad, I was relieved to find, thinner but in good cheer. The doctors numerous pills, washed down with large quantities of milk, seem to be the major part of Fathers diet! Dad showed his dexterity, manoeuvring his new electric chair around the limited space with skill and a cheeky smile.

After a run on the sand for the dogs, it wasn't long before Diana had found some smoked salmon, a bottle of wine and we'd whipped up a lovely meal.

There are places in the world you love more than others and this little house on the shore is on the top of my list of delights.

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