A Day At A Time.

By ElCid


Today's introduction to Duke was all I could have hoped for. We went for a walk in the 30+ heat of the high campo outside Estepona with a couple of his pals from the Rescue. 

He was a little unruly, used to getting his own way, but he has never really known domestication, so I was not surprised. He didn't pull much, just went in whichever direction he wanted with no regard for tripping me up.

He seems very calm and gentle, taking treats softly and without snatching, and enjoyed a paddle in the river below Adana.

So it's a done deal, adoption papers signed and monies paid. We won't bring him home until the holidays start at the end of June, so that I can spend all day with him and help him to settle in.

But in the meantime, we can go up at weekends and take him out so that he starts getting to know us.

I expect he will become the subject of a good many photographs in the coming months, just as Buster was before.

(And I did ask Buster if he was alright with this adoption. I think he is.)

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