The second half of life..

By twigs


Well, weed actually!

For the first time in a very, very long time, I dropped in to the duck pond on the way home.  The pond was buzzing with bird life but the green life was pretty much down and out for the season.  The combination of the sunlight and the weeds reminded me of sparklers.............remeber, remeber the 5th of November.  And if we were in the other hemisphere, it would almost be 5th Novmber.  Pretty hard to believe though when the weather we've been having has been so unbelievably mild.  I remember bonfire nights back in England being freezing!  Wrap up in coats, hats and scarves........add wellies to keep the feet dry........race back indoors later in the evenign to have a hot baked potato and warm up the fingers..........write your name in the air with sparklers.  Happy memories.

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