It ain't easy.

I've fallen out with "Gardeners' Latin".

It's never happened before ... 

Look up "Turk's Cap lily":-
"Here" it's also called "Martagon Lily" and given, in "Gardeners' Latin", - the name - Lilium Martagon
"Over there" it appears to be called  "'Turk's cap lily, turban lily, swamp lily, lily royal, or American tiger lily
and their Latin gardeners call it "Lilium Superbum".

Anyway, what ain't easy?
Lying on your back, on the lawn, with your head in the border, gazing at the sky and trying to get the exposure correct.
Couldn't do it.
Oh, and BTW, it is a weed. Inasmuch as we never bought any, it just snuck in somehow. Unless we begged it & I've forgotted.
I just nipped out for a census ... 
In the front, four flowering stalks and 4 "blind". Moved from their "weed" position in the veg patch, where lurks a similar number, in similar proportions.
"Up for grabs."
Aside - For some ODD reason, whilst the Facebook entry still seems viable I don't see it in its usual position, below "here". Only "Add to map".

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