A blue sky day!!

A day out!!

A trip to Hull and my first crossing of the Humber bridge. A super experience, I want to come back and walk it!!! On a good weather day.

The reason for the trip was to support one of B's athletes who was in a league meeting there today. It's ages since I've gone with him, but for many years I've graced athletics stadiums, parks, fields, sides of mountains.....etc with my presence. For the purpose of looking after the gear when he competed or supported athletes, and as a recorder of times, numbers etc....counting them all safely back to the finish line. 

Now I expect to have a seat and I take my crochet or knitting to keep me occupied, when I'm not taking photos. I don't know anyone at these events since we moved, so no one to chat to.

The athlete did well in his long jump event and 100 metres sprint. The post race feedback is always important.

On the way back we called in at an antiques centre, but the place that sold the wire wool we wanted had just closed :0(

B wanted to look for a small piece of furniture, but the business selling vintage stuff (recycled) wanted to charge us 50p each to go in!!!!  We weren't that bothered, so didn't bother!!

Finally we watched for the "boys" returning. The 9 Red Arrows had increased to 11. The team of 9, the spare aircraft and Red 10. (not the best of shots but they were far away)

A great day :0)

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