

lookit that!

flying in perfect wing-spread freedom - in a wonderfully blue sky - and straight out of the camera - if you glance closely, you'll see it looks as though - he's saying something (perhaps chastising those who are running rampant doing evil deeds on our lands) - it would be a perfect platform way up high wouldn't it? - broadcasting so one and all could hear - birds probably see many things we humans would rather not - let's leave it there - from my perspective i believe evil has been let loose - and needs to be reigned in

and though we hear about these events a lot - i do think there is much more good in our world - we just need to rise up and be heard for that good - proclaim it loud and clear so it overrides the evil - gets the publicity it deserves - the focus which will remove the emphasis off what evil doers are attempting to accomplish - in the world, promoting that essential promise we know - to be true; that every day really can be...


happy day.....

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