A new blipper

Up and out of the capital early this morning, then a convoluted journey up to Norwich.
My Nan is on a very short loop now with her memory, and some topics need considered responses to avoid continually breaking bad news and causing fresh shock and upset, she's forgotten events of recent years, often she's forgotten the conversation of 5 minutes ago. But... she's in remarkable physical condition. 92 and still pottering around the farmhouse with her little walking frame, mostly still independent and doing her own thing. It looks pretty tough to me.
Yes the big farmer's wife that used to pick me up and walk me round perched on her hip is no more, last night I carried her to bed and she seemed to weigh the same as my luggage - but the fierce character remains as I got strict instructions on how to do things the "right way" lol. As often seems to be the case, the happenings of recent times are mostly lost to her, but her recollection of more distant memories is stunningly clear. Perhaps the mind's attempt to ease the pains of old age?

It was nice to meet Nans carers, the people who make this life possible, but her best friend remains Molly, star of today's blip - I wanted to see if she'd react to her own image - she did and took this selfie in the process.

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