MM176 ...

... Blip Name

When I moved away from home, my dad had a habit of calling me one name but when writing to me using another. So my Blip name is an amalgam of the two names. Dad loved nature, the outdoors, and in latter years, was deeply concerned about the plight of the garden bird visitors and honeybees. Since joining Blip, my attention is often drawn to them too, hence their recurrence in my journal entries.
Entry today. I am still feeding the birds. They have young and throughout the day there is on-going bird chatter. At one point this morning there were four feisty black caps all vying for a spot at the feed station. The prime attraction being peanuts and one was so excited it ended up in the cup! I have not witnessed this before. With precious few seconds at the feeding station, it frantically started to toss out and discarded the sunflower seeds in search of the prize nut. In its haste a peanut shell fall down into the saucer. So it decided to make do with a sunflower seed instead. Moments later another black cap seeing its chance had the peanut shell held firmly in its foot.

Many thanks to Dollykgray for hosting.

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