Animals of all kinds

Alexander & the girls came today.
When I'd finished at the station, I met them at the Natural History Museum.
There's an exhibition on at the moment - "Animal Inside Out" - like the Body Works one...(Gunther Von Hagens..?) but it's animals instead.

Much like the body one, it's kind of strange because, although these "models" are real animals & look like real animals with the fur, the skin, the eyes etc, it's still actually hard to believe that they really were once living & breathing creatures.
It's like the plastination process steals away that belief of reality and therefore seems to also prevent it being a gruesome & morbid exhibit.
After this, we explored the rest of the museum...the Earth area, the fossils, the mammals, the geology & more notably the dinosaurs.
I was a little sad in my heart that little F wasn't there to experience his latest fascination, but hey, I know that these exhibits have been around for millions of years & are not going anywhere in a hurry...

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