
It was not on our itinerary to visit Madrid this trip but when we drove down to Toledo from Segovia it seemed so close it was a shame not to. Igor researched trains and discovered a fast train from Toledo takes just 32 minutes. We were never going to do all of the city in the time we had so decided that we would just go to see Picasso's 'Guernica'. More research revealed that it's in the Reine Sophia Museum of Modern Art and as luck would have it that's just across the road from the railway station. The Fourth of June was the eightieth anniversary of the completion of the mural and a special exhibition has been curated to celebrate. Not only did we get to see Guernica but also the story of its conception and execution. Our adventure was based on a lot of luck and coincidence but perhaps the luckiest bit of all was mentioning the word 'senior' as we were getting our exhibition tickets and getting entrance to the gallery and special exhibitions for free. 

It's been a memorable day. Guernica is a perpetual reminder of the tragedies of war, an anti-war symbol, and an embodiment of peace. It especially highlights the effect of war on random innocent victims making it very poignant viewing in the light of recent similar acts. 

Tomorrow we 'see' Toledo. As yet we've only looked at it from afar.

Extra - I was a bit sad to have missed today's monomonday challenge so I've added a mono selfie I took in a cafe at Toledo train station this morning. I'm sure  most people of stopped reading this blip a long time ago so I won't go into too much detail about myself. My blip name is a combination of my first name (extended a little because it's really Ann without an "e") and the first three letters of my last name. Igor calls me Anniemay and I have one other friend who calls me by that name too. Otherwise it's just for blip. 

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