Golf For Beginners, Margate

A day trip down to Margate to get some sea air and forget about work for day. Today's shot is from a reclamation yard on the edge of the Old Town. I loved the golfer but wasn't so impressed by how he held the club! A small problem we didn't realise was that on a Monday a lot of Margate seems to be closed - this included both Dreamland (the first extra photo) and Turner Contemporary (the second extra photo) - both of which we were looking forward to visiting! So we had to make do with the pub, a cafe, a walk along the sea wall (where I took the third extra photo) and a stroll along the lovely, spotless sandy beach. All in all, a very enjoyable day anyway.
The third photo also had me thinking about the One Love concert in Manchester. It was so uplifting to watch and I was so impressed with how Ariana Grande held herself together when her heart must have been breaking - what a wonderful young woman she is.

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