Mono Monday - Name

The Mono Monday theme this week is  "Blip name origin".
My Blipname is CoffeePotter - here is our coffee pot  - which has actually nothing to do with my Blip name. In fact, I drink only about 2 or 3 coffees a week now.
My name is derived from our house name, which in turn comes from the wood next door - Coffee Pot Wood. Our house is part of an old railway station. When the railway closed, a wood gradually grew up on what had been the sidings.  Eventually the wood was owned by the Woodlands Trust, and it was named (by the local schoolchildren) Coffee Pot Wood.  Aha - but why was that name chosen for the wood?
The Coffee Pot was the nickname of the old steam train that used to ply this stretch of railway. The engine was called "The Coffee Pot" because of the steam coming from it.
So, you may well ask, why did I not Blip the wood, or part of the old station? Because when I arrived home from work, it was pouring down with rain and blowing a gale. Therefore I bring you - The Coffee Pot (in mono).
Now C has got to drink all of this coffee!
Thanks to Dollykgray for setting this week's challenge.

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