..... our journal is named as it is.... the theme of this week's monomonday challenge..... Our journal is not imaginatively named at all. But it's who we are. And it's what our journal is. The nudge for an extra family photo was certainly worth it though. She loves when I want to take pictures together. The other bit of DollyKGray's challenge was to learn more of each other..... so I guess I should come up with some random facts!
* we both love Marmite and Yorkshire Tea
* Katie's favourite place to sleep is still my tummy
* I hate bread sauce, she hates stuffing
* I can barely blow the clarinet. She thinks it's very funny.
* we are both lefties
* if you substitute any word of a sentence with "onion", she'll collapse in a heap of giggles.
* she is fiercely determined, stubborn and strong willed.... I have absolutely no idea where she gets it..........
Back to school, dance club, music lesson and band. There were a couple of difficult moments at school and a time tonight of big tears (largely related to some of that there final factoid....) and some fixing to do as a result but that is for tomorrow. Tonight there were cuddles and snuggles for this Mummy and Girl.
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