Vaguely Marvellous

By Benelia

The Seventeenth Hole

When I was a young member of staff on camp, ooh, about 20 years ago, I took a group of 13-14 year olds on a night hike. When we are hiking we use "cat lats" when you need to use the toilet: find a quiet spot, dig a little hole, do your business, cover up the hole. A young lad suddenly announced his urgent need to cat-lat and jumped over a fence, did his business, and we carried on walking. A few minutes later we realised we were lost. The field on our right was, in fact, a golf course. "Ohhhhhh" said the young man " I did wonder why it was such a lovely bit of turf to dig......."

And I remember this moment every time I see a golf course.

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