Monday 5th June 2017
I ploughed through a list of things to do today, so it's been a satisfyingly productive day. Firstly, emptied out the airing cupboard ready for the boiler to finally be successfully serviced after having to replace the flue pipe for health & safety reasons. Then filled in my postal ballot, and also completed a subscription form for Mum. Sorted all the recycling and other rubbish and put it out on the street for collection. Paid a load of bills online (ouch!). Put all the stuff back in the airing cupboard after the boiler engineer had left. Fixed and ate lunch. Took delivery of a parcel containing some cosmetics ruined by the broken bottle of perfume which was also in the parcel. Phoned the online company for a refund. E-mailed photos of ruined goods as proof. Took call to say the refund would be made. Cleared up perfume spill from kitchen floor. Drove to the NHS mobility equipment store in Witham and returned the "throne" and walking sticks which were loaned to Mum when she was discharged from hospital. From Witham to Sainsbury's in Stanway for a particularly large weekly grocery shop and a cup of tea in the upstairs cafe. In the clothing bit, found two pairs of amazingly cheap but nicely-fitting jeans there in my size (hurrah). Posted the ballot paper and magazine subscription. Called in at Mum's GP surgery to request some more Tramadol for her and also made a blood test appointment prior to her endocrinology appointment in a couple of weeks' time. Home to cook dinner, wash up and then launder two lots of my clothes.
And rest.
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