Hiding behind a nickname

My real name is Stuart but most of my friends know me as (Mr) Bo Hingles.

My surname is Hingley so I was called that or Hingles at school, later on my friend Richard added Bo to it and the Mr was added from time to time after. Similar to Bo Jangles and Mr Jingles, the later from the great film The Green Mile.

Most of my friends go by their nicknames ie. The Bear, Bro, The Wedge, Weeman, Zoobs and Hugo Valentine (richard hughes) who's birthday is the 14th of Feb and who created mine. The funniest name moment in the group was when I found out my friend "Kev" was actually called Simon, why he was called Kev as some point I do not know.

Strange old world aye?!?!

Mr Bo Hingles occasionally aka Stuart

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