Mayday Mayday!
Photojournalism at its best! A bloke in a blazer and flannels sitting on a stone in Middle Pier, Granton? And three blokes (including the driver) looking at a new scrape along the side of the bus? But there’s another clue - behind the white car - it’s Tory election candidate Miles Briggs with a posse of his activists. And the driveway just in front? Well, if I’d been 10 minutes earlier I’d have seen Theresa May skidaddling out of there! Yes indeed, for the extrovert MsMay was in there with her usual hand picked audience answering the pre-vetted questions for today’s election programmes. Yes indeed. In Granton. In a removals warehouse.
I’d been up town (indeed on that bus, newly scratched) where I’d met Messrs EcoPops and Sitting to have a daunder round the Degree Show at the College of Art. And chat and catch up too of course. MrS is going through something of a transformation - he tells me that this evening he's attending a wine reception for new Friends of the Galleries; very laudable. Followed by the information that he'll have to miss his yoga class. The circles I move in.... it's all gone horribly wrong...
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