another world...

...and on a perfectly blue and sunny, long weekend Sunday we loaded up the van and headed north of Perth.

250kms or so later and there they are.
The Pinnacles Desert a type of landscape known as karst in which the columns are a sandy limestone, the Tamala Limestone.
The formation is a somewhat complicated business but primarily subterranean and starts with dunes stabilising with pillars of vegetation growth and formation of layer of calcrete ( a sort of calcium cement) within the dunes.
This is followed by dissolving of the limestone in the sands surrounding the pillars.The originally vegetated pillars remain in tact and the dune silica sand  are eventually blown away and ...taraaaa!...The Pinnacles! (extra)

But wait!
There's more!

The Lake Thetis  stromatolites...seriously old but still living fossils ranging from the earliest forms of life some 3.4 billion! years ago to the modern dudes still living in pockets around the world.
WA is one of the world's go to places for stromatolites....and here they and their cousins thrombolites  in Lake Thetis (extra).

And dare there be more?
yes! army of Grasstrees marching down a hillside (extra)

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