Tiny Tuesday (Flora) - From Little Acorns...

These three tiny oak leaves are less than 8mm long, backlit by the in-between-showers afternoon Sunshine. Not easy in the March-like gales to capture a sharp image! I grew this fellow from an acorn I picked up a mile from my home, and he now stands six feet tall.

And if the winds are March-like, the showers are certainly redolent of April and not harbingers of bare weeks from mid-summer. Still, as we thought on our walk up and over the village this morning, checking out the wildflowers in the burial ground, could be worse - could be at work. :-)

Gosh, is it me or are the media admitting it might be a close run thing?! I do hope if you're a UK Blipper you're registered to vote and will do so. I know, I chunter on, but I'm not sure there's been a more important General Election in my lifetime. 

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