If you can't beat them...

By Jerra

Water Avens.

Another very wet day!  I suppose it had to come after such a (for Cumbria) long dry spell.  No reason to go out and get wet until mid afternoon we decided to pop into town and get blips on the way.

We detoured by Greystoke Gill.  Luckily there are a few places to park on the single track road.  The rain at this point wasn't too bad so I decided on trying a few of the flowers growing in the verges.

The texture of this Water Avens seed head caught my eye particularly the way it was holding the droplets.  Water Avens (Geum rivale) is common locally in the damp verges and roadside ditches.  It is native to Europe and parts of Central Asia and North America (where it is called purple avens I believe).

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