daft wee brushes

As I was hooking the pegs into my belt to head out to hang up the washing there was a thump and shriek from upstairs. Edgar had been jumping out of the bathroom and had slammed his beak against the top step, fortunately not doing anything to his non-deciduous front teeth but generating a fair bit of swelling on his upper lip and making his nose leak from both sides. Fortunately the bathroom was nearby, but I asked Amos to bring me a packet of baby wipes to help with mopping up some of the smeared bloodsnot. A little moment later there was a gurgling hiccuping from the bedroom, so I left the mostly-recovered Edgar on the bathroom step and rushed out to find Amos looking scared/suspicious and not immediately visibly breathing. I thought for a moment he'd eaten the squeaker from a dismantled toy lying nearby, so was somewhat relieved when he audibly breathed and said there was a marble in his neck. It didn't come out the way it went in so we'll be having a fun few days with the potty until we've verified it's re-emergence.

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