
By Juli


September Challenge Day 14.

I can't believe I've only been working at the school for three days. I feel like I've been there for ages and I think I've already got a good grasp of how everything works, how things are organised and where things are, mostly due to the great staff I'm working with who have really made it easy to settle in. Helping in classes is like seeing my text books come to life. Eventually I'll be teaching bits myself but these first few days have been largely helping different teachers during all sorts of different types of lessons, which has been terrific as all the kids are so eager to learn. There are field trips coming up so that's exciting and I also helped a couple of groups with their GSCE project write-ups - can't tell you how wonderful it is to the on 'the other side' now that my own project is finished! I was in my element there, especially as I could help them with their graphs and figures, the sort of things I used to teach before.

I'm also coming to grips with the finer points of school admin, which is, as expected, a lot more complicated than what I was used to as a further education lecturer. The department has recently been rebuilt and, as I left today, new shelves were being put up in the office which I will be helping organise next week.

Anyway, today's theme of 'favourite' could only be one thing - our usual Friday night curry!

Word of the Day


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