The rest of forever...

By DrMac


Couldn't think of a title. Think I'm a bit brain dead!

It was an eventful day. My gym session made me giggle, I tried to step up to the next weight for my high incline bench press and couldn't actually move my arm off the deck. How funny, I was like a beetle on it's back! Thank god no-one was looking!

School. Busy. Always is. Tackling the joys of strike action. Hmmm. Well, it kept me occupied for a few hours. I did other stuff but I think it was quite dull. I'll not elaborate.

Went training after school too, I didn't enjoy it as much as I normally do though it was nice to see the boys. I'm enjoying training alone, I think I'll primarily stick to that as it seems much more effective. I worked hard in the session so I earnt my dinner. Mum and Dad were here when I got home so we have nattered and I cooked chicken and a millon veggies...and the treated us to strawberries with a little meringue for dessert - my first since I have been back and probably my last for a few months...but boy it was nice to have a treat! We are just having a glass of red wine and my bed time is long gone, but it is so nice to have their company and chat. I'll wander upstairs soon, I need my beauty sleep...and I am boxing at half eight so need to be up early to do the usual jobs before I go!

Sleep tight, I'm glad to see you and Roger enjoyed your 22 mile run this morning. Nutters! Is tomorrow the same length or longer?

PS. I took this pic in the posh garden...Mum and Dad have already embarked on gardening and Pippa amusing...tomorrow is lawn mowing and washing machine mending and all those other jobs that I haven't managed to do. I love having skilled company!! The cleaner has bailed out on me so I have to do it myself...BUGGER!!

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