Nothing happens here...

By StuartDB

So much choice!

Woke up to hammering on the front door, cautiously peered out to see who was here at such an ungodly hour (7.30am) and was surprised to see my two tame roofers armed with ladders, pots of gunge and other roofing paraphernalia.  Grinning from ear to ear the pair of them, the 'boss' said, "Bet you didn't expect to see us today"?   Then MrsDB made them a cup of tea.  I half expected them to get a bacon sandwich as well and was optimistic for a few seconds until I remembered that the boss is a vegetarian.  Cornflakes all round then.  No Blip opportunity there.

MrsDB has gone blue and white for 2017.  We've looked at cushions, plates, jumpers, and all manner of things.  Yesterday she looked at bedding and today I got the job of assembling and fixing a new blue bedhead to the freshly painted white wall.  Another 'no-Blip'.

Took a couple of phone calls about a project I'm undertaking for a friend and I decided that it was the best 'play' option for the rest of the day.  I'm preparing a new book on the history of Grey-Green so it's ready for the printer.  (I'm not writing it, just producing).  Not one of my favourite operators although it was at one time owned by a business acquaintance of mine before he sold it to Arriva buses and moved to The Caymans.  Anyway, I opened the box of slides to be used for the project and they are abysmal.  Low quality, blurred, and on 1980's Agfa slide film - the world's worst next to Boots and Ferrania.  Oh and Gratispool.

I've salvaged a few images but the rest are going back.  So today's Blip is a montage of the pages I've put together this week'.  Not a great pic but in the true ethos of Blip, it reflects what I did and saw today.  Tomorrow can only get better.

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