Snapshots of my world

By yeeeeed

Dry spell!

Finally the rain has stopped...well it has just restarted...but we have enjoyed a brief spell without it falling from the sky! I had forgotten that was possible, I think tomorrow is meant to prove that it isn't really possible! :-P 

Alas, live for the moment and all that jazz! It was a pleasure to manage a walk in the dry, until the last few minutes anyway. :-) The roads are littered with leaves after the winds of last night. 

I am looking forward to watch the new Ackley Bridge series tonight - set in Halifax!

It is also my Mum's birthday today. She is currently on holiday in Guernsey, exploring the beautiful island (we have visited many times before!) that so many blippers share daily. I am sending her lots of love and hugs, my fellow adventurer, all round legend, best friend and ultimate support, and advice, giver...not to mention solution finder!!

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