Bumps in the Road

By JimJ

Smarty pants

Taking her leaf from get brother, this little lady successfully used the potty again this morning.

They're also sleeping a little later now that we have blackout blinds. Instead of the 5am wake-ups, we're edging closet to 6:15am. Result!

Meanwhile, the wee man is ashtray thinking about his birthday...
"It's not long until my birthday Dada"
"Only six months son"
"Dada is almost your birthday"
"Yes son. It's tomorrow"
"I'm going to invite all of Italy to my party and Robbie, because he's part of my family"

Speaking of which, today was the first day that the wee man chose someone else to play with at school. Instead of picking Robbie, he chose Otis. Another result! He's diversifying.

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