Wide-Angle Wednesday: Evening Sun

Just before posting this blip I looked at today's blip from Bobsblips, who hosts widwed, and I realised that this is a sort of blipsnap with him. Hope he doesn't mind - I'm sure he won't, it wasn't intentional! I'm also going to steal his link to the first or last letters of the month of JunE: it was Just the most beautiful Evening!   :-))

I'd taken the photo looking west from the top of Hartside Pass, between Penrith and Hexham, as I drove home this evening from a meeting I attended in Chester today. I was fortunate to be there at the right time to capture these crepuscular rays ("God rays"). You can see the light glinting off the strip of road I'd just driven up. The Lake District hills are just visible in the far distance.

I really like that road - it's fun to drive and the views are fab; if you know it yourself you'll also know that there aren't many places where it's safe to stop the car to take pictures, which is a shame - but it's nice to cut off some of the motorway route. In over 30 miles I  met only two other vehicles going my way - I had the road virtually to myself. Great! However I avoided it as I drove the other way (to Chester) yesterday evening: it was pouring with rain and the clouds were down - I doubt if I could have seen my hand in front of my face up on the top as it rises to 1904 feet!

View large for best effect.

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