Bird’s Nest…………


This fungi looks like a small bird’s nests complete with eggs. The immature nests have a cap over the top of the ‘cup’ to protect the eggs until they reach maturity.  

This ‘brick’ is a tiny piece of rotting wood, only 4cm by 2cm.  The various stages of the fungi are easily seen when photographed and enlarged.
Each nest is incredibly tiny - the ones with the orange caps barely measures 4mm across the widest section.

I am thrilled with the wonderful response to my last blip. So many lovely comments, stars and hearts - all totally unexpected, but very welcome. I send a huge thank you to you all.

Once again there are several gaps in my journal and once again I apologise for the lack of comments - I am however trying to keep up with your journals by sprinkling stars and hearts whenever I can.


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