Onwards and upwards....

By Yana1

957. Hope AT102

Yesterday was a tricky day for my youngest son as he had his OU exam made more difficult by the fact that it was in Dundee and at a place neither of us had ever heard of and which was difficult to get to by bus...but after a  it of planning and double checking he finally made it on time and it was all over by 1pm....another year under his belt...

Beautiful sunshine here first thing this morning but it isn't to last and the clouds will no doubt gather after breakfast and we will get rain again...

So here is my Abstract Thursday offering full of hope...for my son that he has done enough to pass his exam and the beautiful blue sky is full of hope for another nice day.....but that might be a bit too much  to ask for today...

I love these serpent adorned seats along the promenade at Spittal, they're beautiful and on a morning like this it's hard not to be full of hope for everything.....

And it's wee Arron's 2nd birthday today so we have just spoken to him via Facebook video and he was so excited....he's adorable...and a new hope for a future generation....

After what seems like ages of me moaning about our lost holiday and our shenanigans with BA...today signals a real change in my temperament...relief that Sam's exam is over at least for another year...happiness at seeing the wee one so full of joy and contentment that we are indeed fortunate to live the life we do...especially after so much turmoil both in the UK and in the rest of the world....

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