Late and very last minute

A busy day, when taking photos didn't seem to occur to me, even though the focus of our camera club evening was a talk and sharing of images by Monty Trent.  I really enjoyed the evening and Monty shared some wonderful photos with us, with carefully timed wit and humour while also giving us lots of insight into why taking photos was important to him.  Much of what he was saying chimed with my own growing thoughts about how I want to develop my photography.  I think he will go down as one of our clubs favourite speakers.

Earlier in the morning I'd finally caught up with Tai Chi, which I'd missed for the previous two weeks and it was good to see Richard again who was standing in for David.  He has a different style and way of explaining and I always learn something new from him.

Then, back home to decide which prints I might want to put into the browser at our forthcoming PROOF print exhibition in Sheffield.  So some time spent sorting, selecting, packing up into plastic bags and in a couple of cases adding a mount to the print.  I still have to finalise some prices, which I always find difficult.  If you are around in Sheffield on Saturday please come and say hello - from 4.00 - 7.00 pm and the exhibition is open in The Art House Cafe from 11am tp 4pm weekdays and Saturday.

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