Such are the vagaries of the English summer that we seem to have one day sunny and the next rainy, and this morning, after yesterday’s sunshine, it was another windy and rainy day, so Mr. HCB decided we would go out for coffee.
We decided to go to Jack’s and met quite a number of our friends there. As we went to sit down in our favourite window seat, a mother with two little ones said that she would move her sleeping baby out of our way because she was right next to our table. I told her it wouldn’t make any difference to us, so we chatted for a while and she then left the baby sleeping peacefully in the pushchair next to me.
Here is my Abstract Thursday Blip, titivated a little in my GoArt App, and the “hope” for this beautiful baby's mother was that she would sleep soundly for sometime to enable her to spend time with her other daughter and be able to chat with her friend.
The rain was hammering down, once again, so we didn’t rush and had pleasant chats with various friends. I decided to go down into town, as I needed to pay a cheque into the bank, so Mr. HCB said he would give me a lift so that I didn’t need to wait for a bus and get soaked.
As we walked back to the car, I remarked to him how good it was to meet up with friends, and in some ways, these meetings were like counselling sessions, as some of our friends are going through difficult times. Mr. HCB agreed and said that he was pleased we could help each other, because sometimes we need that “listening ear” too.
“Too often we underestimate
the power of a touch,
a smile,
a kind word,
a listening ear,
an honest compliment,
or the smallest act of caring,
all of which have the potential
to turn a life around.”
Leo Buscaglia
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