
We have managed to avoid electioneering of any sort so far today.

I thought this shot could be an Abstract Thursday shot and it could even make a political statement on Election Day as it represents an industry that has been almost anhiliated over the years...

The day started with a swim then a museum trip!  We have been trying to use our Art Passes a little more lately and have discovered some great little museums!  Today we went to the Carpet Museum in Kidderminster and had a wonderful time.  There were ladies producing Kidderminster pattern woven material who explained the process to us, but the highlight was the big loom being demonstrated in all its glory by an ex-worker in the industry in Kidderminster.  This is one of the only ones of this type of loom left in the country now.  I will add an extra of the whole machine.  

I have never thought about how they get the little tufts into our carpets - but this shot shows how they start out once "The Women" have done all the preparation work of getting the right wool onto the right bobbins in the right place on the loom.  You can see the little tufts of wool before they get put into place on the carpet being woven on the loom, get folded up and then cut.  It was fascinating.  The whole museum did an excellent job of explaining the process and the history of carpet making and the workers in the industry.

Please go if you get the chance!

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