Wet Garden

What a difference a day makes. From warm and sunny France to damp, wet, gloomy, freezing and generally bluuuuughhhhhh England!!
In an uncharacteristic fit of organisation before we left last week I'd hung up the Little Misses' uniforms - complete with knickers and socks, put their shoes in the hallway and packed their bags so this whilst it was a hideous shock to the system to get up this morning at least it wasn't the usual last minute panicked hunt for shoes and discovering that the school bags were nowhere to be found!
After dropping them off I must confess to having a very lazy day. A quick trip to Aldi, a couple of loads of laundry and watering all the plants in the garden. That was about it!
When I went to pick up Miss E for rock climbing she uttered the fatal words "do we have to go?" As soon as she'd said it I realised that I really liked the idea of not going!!
So it was home for a bit more doing nothing!!

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