bee seen...

...not heard

'member that phrase - about children keeping quiet? originally the proverb regarded young women and was recorded in the 15th century... boo! have we come a long way...

it certainly doesn't apply to bees... not this one - he was buzzing around this wildflower trying to collect pollen - paying no nevermind to me - which is a very good thing 'cuz i was getting awfully close to him...

i was fascinated yet again with markings - the fuzziness of him - the inescapable joy in seeing wings reminding me of stained glass... i mean, really - boo! can you see it - look closely... all the intricate detailing - how one itty bitty insect can possibly behold such magnificence... only our great creator could imagine putting together the beauty of something as this - so wonderous... it gives me pause every time i see them up close... and those eyes - the furry little body with its hair sticking up, as though he'd used the best of hair gels this morning... i almost wanted to reach out and pet him - but resisted the urge - remembering this was a bee after all... it could sting me - and i'm still getting over a nasty rash... so i contained myself with staring - snapping - bonding with him from a safe distance... relishing in the fact - he'd helped to make this...


happy day.....

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