Folkie Booknerd

By Folkiebooknerd

David Morrissey

When I blipped the great writer China Miéville last month ( ), I mentioned that his novel 'The City and The City' was currently being filmed here in Liverpool. And here is the proof!

This afternoon I went for a short walk after work, before my yoga class. And I noticed that the front of St George's Hall had (not for the first time) become a film set. So, obviously, I took the opportunity to grab a portrait of the lead actor, Liverpool's very own star of stage and screen, David Morrissey! David plays Inspector Tyador Borlú, the main protagonist in 'The City and The City', and I can't wait to see the final production!

Have a look at my Extra Photos for a few more shots from the set!

Thanks very much for your support for my election-related blip yesterday. I went to vote before work this morning and will probably be awake into the wee small hours listening to the results coming in. I'm beyond nervous!

It being Election Day reminds me that David Morrissey famously played Gordon Brown to Michael Sheen's Tony Blair in 'The Deal'. That all worked out well, eh?! Politics. It's a terrifying business.

See you on the other side my friends!

(In keeping with today's Blip, here's The Jam with 'In The City' )

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