Quiet Blipper

By Islandcat

Salish Sea Salad

Edible seaweed is one of nature's true wonder foods. They are one of the most nutritionally dense plants on the planet and contain high amounts of fibre. The seaweed variety shown here is only a small fraction of the types  that are available and sought after by many of the new crop of "farm to table" chefs along the West Coast. Far from being a new delicacy, it has been consumed for years by many coastal communities around the world and appears particularly in Asian cuisine. Low tide is the perfect time to harvest this vegetable. I had a wonderful morning kayaking around the Copeland Islands. Calm seas, clear skies, and quiet. Perfect time to photograph the seas bounty.

Loving our time on the water. The extra is our arrival at the entrance to Desolation Sound. Not properly named at all. Some of the best cruising grounds on the West Coast. 

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